Chart a new course

I believe a lot of people make the mistake of repeating a painful experience in their past simply because they failed to learn from them.

I’ve met with men and women alike who had not so pleasant experiences growing up, that these awful events still play in their adult lives like it was yesterday. A man shared with me, how much he craved his father’s love as a young boy but never got that love up untill this moment. He carries that scar till today.

As we discussed further, i realized his making the same mistakes with this children. Upon realizing this, he broke down in tears.

The truth about life is if you want to reap Apples, you’ve got to plant apples. That means if i didn’t get love from my dad or mom, I’ve got to consciously determine to do the opposite to my kids and spouse, everyday. Shower them with love that they almost drown in it, as i do this, my heart will be flooded with love right back. Whether it was a situation of abuse, poverty, dehumanisation, whatever it was; deciding to change the narrative is embracing a happier future. Go out there share your experiences, give someone hope, don’t hide in the shadow of an awful experience

Can i say you don’t met the mistakes of others on innocent people in your current life. It’s only foolishness to do so. You rather begin on a clean slate, by choosing to give yourself a chance to love, to forgive, to trust again. Why? Because YOU deserve it. NO MATTER THE PAST YOU ARE DESERVING OF A BETTER FUTURE 😄

You cannot change the past, you cannot control the future, you can however do something about today; starting now at this moment.

How about we begin today to chart a different course of life, like a sailor choosing to take a different direction? And i promise you the future will be much better than the past.

Until next time, drive your life. Ciao