Climbing the success ladder; a gentle reminder

Be mindful of the heads you walk over on your way to the top. Be considerate of the toes you step on in your ambitious pursuit.

If you rather not mind; just ensure you never come back down, so you are not greeted by the same owners of the heads and toes.

Yes, no one attains anything easily, sometimes it’s just unplanned, we say. Alot of people give the excuse that “it’s just business, people will get hurt”. But be careful now; life may seem like a game where there’s so much competition, fight for supremacy. However, we can still play fair, bearing in mind that life is nothing without relationships, without friends, without eachother. So if you kick out the ladder that took you up so another doesn’t climb, you’ll only live a frustrated life trying to hold on tight so you don’t unfortunately fall; because how great a fall that will be.

So i would you like to urge you to decide today to help make way for other’s to climb too. I urge you be mindful as you pursue…as you climb.

Until next time, drive your life.

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